Wir waren hier We were here

 Check out the third film by the Lanschaft Collective: We were here. Produced for the Droste Festival 2021, Münster; after a poem by German writer Annette von Droste-Hülshoff; and with translations by me.

This poetryfilm turns a verse by German 19th century poet Annette von Droste-Hülshoff into the chorus of a poetic hymn for the freedom of gender roles. "a balloon can sink. just think. / a balloon cannot be steered. / so write in the warmer air: // we were here. / you were propane / & I your flame." A dark magical dance between the centuries, but for true companionship. Written, composed & produced by Poesiekollektiv Landschaft.

LYRICS, VOICE & STARRING Ulrike Almut Sandig http://ulrike-almut-sandig.de

INSTRUMENTALS Grigory Semenchuk

DRESS DESIGN Estefania Conrad @psychartistin

AUDIO PRODUCTION Klangkosmonauten Berlin (D) & Shpytal Records (UA)

FILM & PRODUCTION Sascha Conrad http://www.produktionwaldstrasse.de/


MORE LANDSCHAFT https://landschaft.bandcamp.com/ Light piece in 01:10 min by Robert Montgomery. https://www.robertmontgomery.org/ Produced for Droste Festival 2021, Münster (D).