Versatorium – Verein für Gedichte und Übersetzen - Laboratory for Translating Arts

11th December 2024
Versatorium – Verein für Gedichte und Übersetzen Am Modenapark 8–9/6/R01 1030 Wien

Very Excited to be the guest of the Versatorium Vienna

A radical social project and  Laboratory for Translating Ats 

Poetry and Translation Three Approaches 

"Versatorium is a collective action on and in translation,

working to turn over the original to find infinite grains

of potential in waves of sound, sense, intellect, instinct,

sight, cite, slight, slur, glue, flip, slip, slap, and all

the get-go you can add in the plurivalences that make up the

infrastructure of wor(l)d-consciousness.

In the beginning was translation and a task for poetry is coming

to terms with that, with all the humor we can muster and all

the bathos in which we are bathed, like harlequins on the beach

of the imaginary. / (Charles Bernstein)

Looking forwards to getting my hands dirty with like minded people!