Rereading East Germany is Book at Lunchtime

17th May 2016
Radcliffe Humanities

Karen Leeder  Rereading East Germany: The Literature and Film of the GDR (Cambridge: CUP, 2016; paperback 2019).Featured in the Book at lunchtime series May 2016: an interdisciplinary launch hosted by TORCH, Oxford with invited panelists: Sara Jones, Dennis Tate, Marc Silbermann and introidcued by Tom Smioth. ‘Brings together a wide range of excellent scholarly contributions and serves as a great introduction and model for an interdisciplinary approach to the GDR’, The Modern Language Review, ‘excellent overviews on certain tropes, genres, and topics … a great work for an introductory and overview-oriented engagement with GDR studies, … will be appreciated by students and scholars alike’, German Studies Review

See the film of the event here.