Poets, Spies and the Secret Police

9th May 2022
Room 6 Examination Schools

Philip Oltermann and Anne McElvoy will be in conversation with Professor Karen Leeder, on ‘PoetsSpies and the Secret Police’, 5pm Tuesday 17 May (4th week) in Room 6, Examination Schools. Come along for a fascinating discussion about literature and power in the Cold War and beyond, In English. 


Philip Oltermann is the Guardian's Berlin correspondent 

Anne McElvoy writes for The Economist, London Evening Standard, and regularly appears on the BBC. 


Both have written about East Germany: 

Philip Oltermann, The Stasi Poetry Circle, Faber 2022. 

Anne McElvoy, The Saddled Cow, East Germany's Life and Legacy (Faber 1993); and Man without a Face: The Autobiography of Communism's Greatest Spymaster (Jonathan Cape 1997) 

This should be fun.  Both studied here in the not too distant past; both are great speakers. We did a radio programme together last month (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001556q ) and it was fascinating but with so much more to say. All welcome!