Reviews of All Under One Roof

Sunday, September 16, 2018 - 09:45
Evelyn Schlag All Under One Roof

New reviews of Evleyn Schlag's All under one Roof (Carcanet 2018) are popping up all over the place and it is wonderful to see people really responding to her singular voice.

Manchester Review: I find the words compelling, the poetry addictive ….. Schlag’s poetry is captivating for its very embrace of the unfixed and the slippery. Leeder’s translation does tremendous work carrying this through to English.

World Literature Today

WLT Volume 92 No. 5, September 2018,

‘The careful translation by Karen Leeder of every aspect of Schlag’s writing is essential in understanding the depth of each image and metaphor, … the overall effect is that of one seeing and experiencing the world for the very first time.’

Modern Poetry in Translation

Review in MPT September 2018. ‘Words Arranging Themselves to Their Liking’ – Review by Jonathan Davidson.As with so much of her work in this collection, this is not a poem that has any particular intent upon us and we are left to react to experience rather than find a meaning. This is no bad thing.



