Delighted to see a clutch of new poems in such great company in the new edition of Berlin journal No Man's Land. These translations come from Ulrike Almut Sandig's Dickicht and will appear in Thick of it, translated by Karen Leeder to appear with Seagull Books in 2018.
See 'hunting song', 'open your eyes', 'my friends', 'denuded trees' and 'geese' here.
Isue 12 of No Man’s Land, the independent online journal of contemporary German literature, has been launched and is now available online.
We invite you to visit www.no-mans-land.org to peruse our selection of recent German-language prose and poetry in English translation.
This edition features excerpts from the work of Deutscher Buchpreis recipients Lutz Seiler and Melinda Nadj Abonji; plus selections by other established and emerging writers, several of whom are appearing in English translation for the first time. .