Karen Leeder with Poet in the City at Lutonia Spoken Word Festival

Wednesday, March 16, 2016 - 23:00
FAIZ Portrait drawing by Sadiqain, 1977

> Faiz Ahmed Faiz: The People's Poet <

In collaboration with Poet in the City, London

Sunday, 20th March 2016 14:00-15:00
The Hat Factory Luton
65 - 67 Bute St, Luton LU1 2EY

Faiz Ahmed Faiz is loved by the Pakistani community for his lyrics on love, dignity and injustice. So what has become of his legacy? In this special event, we explore the unstoppable rise of this prolific poet with contemporary voices including critic Amina Yaqin, Aamer Hussein and Amarjit Chandan.

Amina Yaqin – biography and context to Faiz’s work

Aamer Hussein – Faiz’s significance and influence on own work

Amarjit Chandan – Faiz’s legacy and his work in Punjabi and translation

Panel discussion chaired by Karen Leeder on the importance of the poet, the way he is remembered, and what we can learn from his verse.
