Volker Braun, Rubble Flora

Volker Braun – Rubble Flora

Holywell Music Room, Holywell Street, Oxford, OX1 3BN, 18.00.

The oldest custom-built concert hall in Europe, the Holywell Music Room opened its doors to the public for the first time in 1748. Twenty Five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall Volker Braun visits Oxford to offer his characteristically caustic and melancholy reckoning with the East German past and the present of the Berlin Republic.

Introduced by Ian Wallace, with David Constantine and Karen Leeder. Bilingual evening of poetry and discussion.

Admission Free: With the support of the Mediaeval and Modern Languages Faculty, University of Oxford.

- See more at: http://mmp.mml.ox.ac.uk/volker-braun-rubble-flora-0#sthash.vHEVx7oo.dpuf

Volker Braun – Rubble Flora

Holywell Music Room, Holywell Street, Oxford, OX1 3BN, 18.00.

The oldest custom-built concert hall in Europe, the Holywell Music Room opened its doors to the public for the first time in 1748. Twenty Five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall Volker Braun visits Oxford to offer his characteristically caustic and melancholy reckoning with the East German past and the present of the Berlin Republic.

Introduced by Ian Wallace, with David Constantine and Karen Leeder. Bilingual evening of poetry and discussion.

Admission Free: With the support of the Mediaeval and Modern Languages Faculty, University of Oxford.

- See more at: http://mmp.mml.ox.ac.uk/volker-braun-rubble-flora-0#sthash.vHEVx7oo.dpuf

Twenty-five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall Volker Braun came to the Holywell Music Room in Oxford on 18 May 2015 to read and discuss. After an Introduction from Ian Wallace, Braun read from work old and new along with David Constantine and answered questions with Karen Leeder and the audience. See the podcast from the reading