Stephen Spender Trust Anniversary Reading at the Royal Instituion

Thursday, March 12, 2015 - 19:00
Noma Dumezweni (with Patricia Hodge and Michael Pennington) at the Stepehn Spender Trust reading at the Royal Institution

Delighted to be part of a fantastic evening of readings in the august surroundings of The Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle St, London W1S 4BS.

This celebration saw poems by the winners from a decade of the Stephen Spender Trust Poetry Translation Competition (2004-2014). Very pleased to be reminded of so many inspiring poems from my time as a judge, read by Michael Pennington and Patricia Hodge but also especially proud that my own version of 'Childhood in the Diorama' by  Durs Grünbein (winner in 2013), brilliantly read by Noma Dumezweni.

Delighted too that Iain Galbraith's translation of Jan Wagner's 'Quince Jelly' was read out - the poem Jan Wagner and Iain Galbraith brought oto the Oxford translation masterclass, the first event of the Mediating Modern Poetry project.

To see more about the winners see the Stephen Spender Trust website