In My Basket I Dream - Poetry, Translation and Art

Tuesday, May 3, 2016 - 21:15
In My Basket I Dream: Reading Creative Arts Anthology 2016
The University of Reading Creative Arts Anthology 2016 is ready to go! Everyone is warmly invited to the launch on Thursday 5 May from 6-7pm in HumSS G27, University of Reading Whiteknights Campus, where a selection of contributors will read from their work.

Contributors include Sujata Bhatt, Karen Leeder/Michael Krüger, Sofia Rhei/James Womack, David Colmer/Mustafa Stitou, Harry Guest, Peter Robinson, Claire Dyer, Susan Utting, David Attwooll, Gill Learner, Robin Thomas, David Cooke and many more, as well as visual art. Copies will be on sale for £5. Entry is free for all!